Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Mississippi Craft Center (3.5 out of 5 stars)

The Mississippi Craft Center is located close to the Reservoir, and is home to the Craftsmen's Guild of Mississippi. Admission is free, so it's worth it to take the time and see what the center has to offer. It claims to have some of the most unique gifts around, and that's certainly true.

The center's website has a list of upcoming classes and events, and the center hosts workshops during the summer for people of all ages.

The facility itself is a work of art, and touring it lets one get up close and personal with all sorts of different works of art: some folksy, some classic, some avant-garde. Pretty much anything you see is for sale, and considering the time and effort put into some of the works, the prices are reasonable.

Most of the classes require registration, but depending on when you stop in, you might see a class in progress, or catch a group of ladies swapping stories while they ply the age-honored tradition of quilting.

How much time you'll spend depends solely on how much attention you wish to pay to the hundreds of items on display. From stained glass to turned wood and basically anything you can think of, the facility is organized by item type and generally carries a bio of an artist or craftsman if they have more than a few items on display.

Overall, the Mississippi Craft Center comes in at a 3.5 out of 5 stars. Parts of the building were closed off or inaccessible, and while the items on display did indeed showcase some real talent, the outward size of the building belies its rather small area dedicated to showcasing arts and crafts. The building seemed more oriented to hosting classes, and while this is certainly noble - this review centers on the building itself and the experience one might have "walking in off of the street."

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