
Mississippi Travels is just what it says. Is that trip up to Iuka worth it? Is the parade in Vancleave something I can't miss?

We set about to answer those questions with honest, unsolicited reviews. We write anonymously, and unless our hosts have Sherlock-level sleuthing abilities, we pretty much go unnoticed, which means we get to bring you the honest reviews of the people, places, events and history that make Mississippi so unique.

And maybe we'll step just outside of Mississippi from time to time - after all, there are some really interesting places just outside state lines.

So check back often - we're building the site like crazy. We've been to so many events that we're stretched thin cataloging them all. From the Watermelon Festival in Mize to the Blueberry Jubilee in Poplarville, the Sam B. Olden Historical Museum in Yazoo to Robert Johnson's gravesite - we've been there or are headed there.

Have a good idea for something for us to visit? Contact us here and let us know what's going on!

- The staff of Mississippi Travels

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